"Tip of The Hat"
Magic Series #2 - art illustration print
Dimensions - inside square approximately 8 x8 inches
"First Star I See Tonight"
Magic Series #1 - art illustration print
Dimensions - inside square approximately 8 inches
Image Credits:
Holliewood Studio
Tumble Fish Studio
Paper Whimsy
Paper Whimsy
Finecrafted Designs
I am really excited about this new series I've coined "Magic". The second image has been "in process" for months and months - as I worked and reworked it. Then, on Friday I picked up a copy of Feb 2011 Quilting Arts magazine and the work of several of the artists in the issue just resonated so strongly and I was able to finish the second image and create a companion to the series. Now, nothing that I've created resembles the contents in the magazine. I wish. What I experienced as I flipped through the pages, was more the notion of the use of positive and negative space that seemed to 'gel'. Now, #3 is in my mind, and I have several ideas percolating. So many, that I am wanting to hurry through this blogpost to get back to it.
What I think, or feel, is that I am at the beginning stages of creating the type of illustration/art/images that really seem to spell M-E. I've been dabbling in mixed media, altered art, illustration and all manner of crafting and techniques related to these different genres for upward to five years now, occasionally feeling like I was getting closer, but not 'spot on.' The small black and white bullseyes you can see within each piece reflect this excitement and this 'spot on' feeling! The other grey ones are just watermarks!
I look foward to creating more in this 'style' and hope that I'm not just 'pipe dreaming' as quite often I become infatuated with my current musings, temporarily - not unlike seeing photographs of me as a teen with 36 inch bell bottoms or "flares" and gasping at how I ever managed to be seen in public! But oh I loved them then. The kaboom lasts for a few days or weeks, then passes, I get back on the horse, to travel to other places with my muse.
For this time, yet not the first time, your feedback and comments will be extremely helpful to me as I decide whether or not I will 'settle in' to this style. I have visions of taking these images to cloth, watercolor paper and canvas and think of how much I'd love toss cushions or even an art quilt created out of several squares.
And, in an effort to encourage feedback, I'll have a give-away in April and draw from the comments (regardless of whether they are negative or positive !!) and send one set out to that person. In order to qualify, leave a comment with a link on how I can get back to you should you name be drawn. Of course, you are more than welcome to travel on over to Etsy where you`ll find them both listed. I`ve reduced the price of my prints by eliminating the matting - this makes it not only less expensive materials-wise, but also less costly to ship! This was suggested by blog readers several months ago!
Thanks and good luck!
You know what I LOVE? I love having known an artist for some time and having been able to watch their style develop and grow and change into something different. I can see so many elements in this series from your earlier works but what I also see is a new freshness.
Something more open and I think you are finding the positive/negative space right up your alley. I really like this direction. :)Bea
But remember I'm also a big fan of all your earlier stuff too. :)
My first response was to say "whoa!" and that's a good thing. Second response was to stop and study them. I think you've really hit on a great thing here. So much movement, liveliness and interest. I hope you keep on this path. I'd also like to hear a little more about the process and your medium. Are these digital or mixed media?
Thanks Bea and Karen - it is done digitally, but with several layers and 'masking' - so the process isn't unlike what I would do by hand. Just no glue on my fingers!
WOWZERS Trudi!!!!! you never cease to amaze me my friend. I like the direction your taking here with the negative space. Sometimes less is more and I would definately like to see more of this. Keep on going in this direction and see where it takes you and I'm positive that it will be far. But then again in my opinion your already there. you are in my top five favourite artists of all time. You give me so much inspiration and for that I will be forever grateful to you.
Big hugs to you. oxoxoxo
Beautiful and original work Trudi! I love the layering of images, but the simplicity too. All the white space is really refreshing. Lovely job!
I love your balanced use of white space Trudi, it's sure and courageous and satisfying and complements your clever use of elements and colour. I would urge you to follow your Muse on this journey where ever it takes you. Absolutely and eminently frameworthy!
Without great risk there is no great art! When I first opened the page, I was surprised and - I must admit - a bit taken aback. Your new direction caused me to pause and really "look" at what was happening in the piece. Bravo, Trudi! I think I like the direction your heading in and can't wait to see your journey develop! Love & Hugs, Terri xoxo
I have just come across your blog and beautiful artwork that I truly love. I love the pillow. Your digital designs are really great.
I have joined your group of followers.
Trudi, I love the play of the positive/negative spaces. Very unique. I love them so much I bought them at your Etsy store!!
Trudi I love all your work it's fantabulous!!
Just when I think you can't possibly come up with something different you do!!
Jayne :-)
Your Art is a mirror to my imagination!! Just discovered it today through Somerset studios Magazine...so inspired by your work, thank you for sharing the vision!
These are abSOULutely mesmerizing!
Truly magical. I am always surprised when I come to your blog and I never leave without a basket full of inspiration! Your work moves me. I love it and what you have done here is tops! Keep this up, I just want to see more now!
these pieces really make me stop and LOOK. it is pleasing to the eye from the first glance but as you look some more it amazes.
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