Well, I thought I'd 'play store' again today and created some, what I think are great little envelopes and matching cards for ATC artists now posted in
Etsy! (www.twodresses.etsy.com)
I love receiving mail where the sender has spent that extra bit of time to package things in a way that makes me feel like I am really and truly opening a present. Know what I mean? It just seems to make everything just sparkle a little bit brighter.
Here's a few snapshots of them. I love how they turned out although I admit I'm a little partial to tiny envelopes, I am hoping that I'm not alone!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?
They print out so wonderfully well and I've tested each one to make sure the dots are all lined up and the images are of the highest quality as possible for digital collage sheets.
Two of the three versions I created are specifically for ATC cards and are labeled just that as part of the design. There is one that reads "4-YOU" so it could be used as a cute little card and envelope for any occasion. And, considering you can print as many as you like, I think they're priced well. I'm hoping so and if they do prove to be likeable, I'll keep at it and create more! Thanks for looking.
"4-YOU" - Generic Envelope/Card
ATC Envelope and Card - "Fleurs"
ATC Envelope and Card - "Violet Sky"
No surprise I guess, that I also felt compelled to try to create a fabric envelope out of the same design as the one above. This will be sent out to a dear blog friend next week along with a sampling of each of the envee packs.
Cloth Envelope - cotton, beads and embroidery with felt lining and striped ribbon
Image Credits: HolliewoodStudios@DeviantScrap.com for the floating flowers from Spring Faeries and Stripes from Stripes! TumblefishStudio@DeviantScrap.com for the 2 figures (angel and round face) as well as arms, little hearts, letters, cloud backgrounds and fish and to Kate Pertiet for the little tag and flowers. Images have been color adjusted.