Update 2 Day 11 - still working on the face......
Today the sunlight really captured the textures of an acrylic painting I have been working on as a Christmas gift for my daughter Jill. It is a study of a painting by Robert Phillips called "Scout" (see last photo below). My daughter saw it on the set of "Gossip Girls" and asked me if I would paint it for her.
I am about 60% done and am working on it for an hour or so a day, hoping that amount of time will allow me to finish it in time for December 25th.

Work in Progress - Study of Richard Phillip's painting "Scout"
40 x 30 inches acrylic on wrapped canvas
Copyright TwoDressesStudio 2011
All Rights Reserved
Above are photos of the work-in-progress, from top left down and then up again. Similar to looking at your work in a mirror, it's helpful to see a photograph for me to determine where I'm going wrong...or right. I'm continually surprised at how the photographs change depending on the time of day, whether or not I've used a flash, sunshine as well as incandescent lighting in the evening shots.
Here's the photograph I am working from (it's also shown above as the last lower photo on the right in the series above as a reference) -
Original - "Scout" -Richard Phillips
Photo from the set of Gossip Girls - Original Painting "Scout" by Richard Phillips