
Saturday, August 07, 2010

Studio Bedlum ??? ...trigger happy snapshots

This morning I have been slowly attempting to file all of my photos into their appropriate database categories.  Like any mixed media artist, sometimes deleting photos is much the same as tossing out that last little scrap of fabric or bit of ephemera....I don't...  Also, when I am snapping a photo of a project, I end up getting a little trigger happy and consequently snap a few more.... usually just of what's around me at the time.  This is the danger of the digital world...and also the gift of digital photography.  I've wondered how many award winning photos weren't taken in the pre-digital world because the photographer couldn't afford to process them in the lab.

Here's a few of 'those snapshots' - mostly of a room I've begun to convert into a part sewing studio, part library.  I recently learned Bea names the rooms in her house - romantic names.... like The Tangerine Sky Room so I've been considering what to name this room.  Bedlum was the first moniker that came to mind...but I'm still brainstorming.

The above shot was one of my musing baskets.  When I start to work on a project, I  grab a basket and rummage through all of my different bits of ephemera that 'may' work in it.  It's all part of my creative process - and one that I always look forward to -  that of generating ideas and possibilities.

The little butterflies were a birthday present from my daughter Jillian last year.  They are hooks, but as you can see, I haven't hung them - I would need a very large large house to hang everything I'd like to hang.


  1. Toss or 'delete' a picture - horror of horrors!!! No way, Jose!!! I keep every one of them. And, to make my hard drive even more cluttered, I've been 'digital' for more at least 12 years, as I was one of the early adapters!!!

    Love seeing your 'creative process techniques' and the idea of the Muse baskets. Such a romantic name, Trudi. I just have little 'piles' as I begin a project - baskets, hmmmm . . . make perfect sense of it all!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. I totally agree about naming things. I believe that anything worth owning is worth naming. I have a b-dazle car, a Tuscany suite-why I even named a purse of mine one time..I love the name Bedlum for your room. Perfect.

    The baskets seem like a good way to sort things, ideas, catagories.
    All of those baskets looked inviting.

  3. YOU know what to name that room. You mutter to yourself when nobody is around. You shift things, move things, run your fingers through, over and under piles of goodies and you mutter to yourself and within that muttering you named that space.
    Well, of course, it's lost. You go in now and mutter to yourself and it's forced muttering. sigh...:)Bea

  4. So much inspiration in those baskets with all sorts of colours and goodies - yum!
