
Saturday, August 07, 2010

Blogspot or Blogger Friends.....Ix-Nay and the Ode-Cays...

To all of my blog friends that I do my best to try to visit frequently because  I am always inspired  by your work and love to support our creative community....I have a suggestion that may translate into a benefit.

I confess my  ulterior motive is this:  I really am tired of passwords and codes.  It seems every time I turn around to log in, check in, google that, or blog this, I always seem to be having to either type a code or a password.  I just don't like it.  But because I  do try to minimize my tendency  to complain by  instead stating  the problem and offering  a solution, here  goes.....

IF you choose to monitor all of your comments by opting for the option to be  notified by email  of all incoming comments, then  you  will still have the option of  approving  them  or rejecting them before they are visible  on your blog. As far as I know, this  censoring process will then  catch the spam at that level and give you the option to reject it and approve the legitimate comments.

And , there is another potential  benefit.  On  several occasions, I have left comments thinking they were received and on their way to being read and listed only to discover that I missed the code step.  For some bloggerish glitchy reason, occasionally there is a second window that pops up after it appears the comment has been sent.    Am I alone here, or are there others that also experience this additional step....


  1. Word verification is a pain, unless the word is amusing, which also happens now and then. I have also written comments and thought they went through only to discover they didn't at all. So, I like your suggestion. My only hesitation is that I may be away from email for an extended period of time, and then those comments would sit there unapproved.

  2. Oh my yes.......I try to amuse myself with the passwords by making up sentences to use them in.
    I've left comments zipped away only to realize later that I didn't do the password. PEOPLE PEOPLE STOP THE MADNESS FREE YOURSELF FROM CODES AND PASSWORDS, run free, run wild and give your blog readers a break. :)Bea

  3. OMG, I cannot stand capcha phrases, word verification, etc etc so on and so forth. I refuse to have it on my blog just because of how much they annoy me...and I must admit, in some cases I just don't comment because after the 20th one I just get tired of them.

    Here is what I did instead...I changed my settings where I would be notified on anyone's comment on a post that was more than a week old. It then asks me if I want to approve or reject the comment. Aside from that, I allow all comments and it still emails me right away and if it's a spammy comment I can go and quickly delete it.

  4. I wonder how much spam I would get if I got rid of the word verification and didn't do the approval (just notification.)
    I really hesitate to do the approval, because on some days (like this morning) there were a number of comments on a post that responded to each other - all before I even got out of bed. I think I will try to nix the verification for awhile and see how it goes.

  5. A thorny issue for sure. I held back from using the word verification for as long as I could but started to receive as many as 5 or 6 spam comments a day. Took way too much time to delete them and I really prefered that they did not show up to begin with. And in my case, I decided against moderation because I often find that people who comment are also commenting about the comments and I prefer no delay before they appear. I guess in the end I just look at these verifications as a necessary evil.

  6. I'm with you on this one. And another pet peeve is people who drop by and take the time to leave a comment- which I love, and them they have a no-reply so I can't contact them unless I do an internet chase! grrr.
    ok that's me done!
    Love your blog!
    Carole :)

  7. yes, yes, yes
    get rid of the passwords & word verification

    and while they're at it, could they stop making me listen to their music?

  8. You're right- I still have to monitor but I'll do a way with the word verification.

    I get these cray chinese spamers that send dot links and I don't want them to appear for even a second.
