
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Craft Attitude Makeover Part One - Boho Handbag

I decided even though winter will still be on my doorstep for another two months at least, there wasn't any reason why I couldn't at least start thinking about spring!  And spring to me means a couple of things - warmer days, and the rebirth of COLOR in nature.  

I've seen lots of cool examples over at the Craft Attitude Facebook Page on how to personalize your iPhone, but I rarely use mine unless I am travelling.  So instead, I thought - why not try my hand at repurposing a rather lack-lustre handbag.  

I found this one at Winner's with a substantial discount and it was a light color.  Since I was introduced to Craft Attitude about two years ago, I always have my eye open for light colored and inexpensive 'objects' to add some "Attitude" to! 

Plain Old Inexpensive Handbag

This month I seem to be drawn to a color pallette that is half  Bolliewoodish and have Bohemian  and so once I`d layered a suitable number of images (courtesy of Iktupilli and Tumble Fish Studio) I adjusted the color pallettes to suit a brightly colored motif: 

Back of Bag  - digital collage

Front of Bag - digital collage

I used 3 sheets of Craft Attitude (you can use any type of Attitude product) - they are all the same just different me on that!
And above is a photograph of the ALL of the supplies you need to make your handbag (gluestick,
scissors, x-acto knife, brayer....easy-peasy.

I really did not expect it to be this easy.  The fabric of the handbag (100% polyester) seemed to be  the perfect match for the Craft Attitude.  I am NOT shy with the glue stick, - just sayin....please do not try to skimp on the glue or you may end up with bubbles underneath.  Not pretty.  I NEVER have any bubbles.  I sometimes have globs of glue on my hands at the end of it all, but NO Bubbles EVER.

Above are photos of the front and back.  The purse was not the same size as the Craft Attitude (8.5 x 11 inches) so I did have to add extra little strips to each side so that it it was fully covered.  The pattern was very conducive to being able to do this successfully.  

Here are a few snap shots I took randomly in an effort to capture how beautifully the Craft Attitude molded to the fabric of the bag - I will be looking for more of this material!! 

I remain impressed at how the film becomes part of the texture...if you look closely you can see slightly raised dots on the surface of the purse.

Craft Attitude Boho Handbag - Spring 2014 coming soon!

PS - I could not stop at just the bag.....I will be back in a few days with photos of.....I bet you can you guess what I made next?   Stay tuned.

Thanks for the visit - and as always,  your comments are always appreciated...more than you know!


  1. This is truly amazing , and yes it looks like fabric or the texture of the bag. Way to go Trudi !

  2. Oh Trudi, the way you have transformed that plain Jane bag into a work of art is absolutely magnificent-really gorgeous!!!

  3. Man alive, Craft Attitude is amazing.....I need to get my hands on some asap! xx

  4. Amazing product...what a magical transformation, Trudi!! Beautiful.

  5. First . . . . this post was TOTALLY "worth the wait" for us here in Blogland!!! LOL!!! Second . . . . WOW, WOW, WOW and a HOLY COW!!! This bag is truly amazing, Trudi! How I'd love to see it "in person"!!! Your Spring Muse has been talking, and you've been "listening"!!! Huge hugs! ♥ Terri

  6. WOW...impressive...gonna have to look for some of that Craft Attitude (perfect name for that product!)

  7. Great idea, Trudi. I read all three posts on the shoes and handbag. I love what you did with them.
