
Saturday, October 02, 2010

What gives - Mixed Muse Personalities Morphing through me....

I can't tell you why these images ended up being so entirely different - two different days, two different 'muses' I suppose.   At any rate, they are both from the same group of images from Tangie Baxter's new packages entitled "Steampunk Laboratory" available by clicking .here 

Labber - digital - 5 x 7 inches

Brain Candy - 8 x 8 inch digital collage

Image Credits - with the exception of the female figure from Doctor Macro in Labber all other images exclusively Tangie Baxter - see above.


  1. Well, musta have been something you ate for dinner, heh? lol You gotta watch out who is hanging around your studio, girlfriend. Some weird stuff but soooooooo you. :)Bea

  2. I love the colors in the second image!

  3. V-e-r-y interesting, Trudi! Both, btw, are wonderful. Goes to show how versatile and creative you are!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Absolutely LOVE Labber. Why can't I make awesome steampunk like this? You are very talented!
