
Friday, July 16, 2010


I am taking part in a Seven Deadly Sins challenge, at, well, you might have guessed, DeviantScrap I seem to be hanging out there A LOT lately!!!  And even if I weren't on several of the creative teams, I suspect I'd be there shopping.  There are new releases arriving  at a frantic pace and I'm impressed at the growing selection of non-scrapbook  related images.  This site could easily replace a Yahoo group as the forum is growing into a great spot for challenges.  The gallery is becoming spotted with more and more altered art pieces.  So.... There's this weeks plug for Deviant! 

Back to my topic.  I confess I knew the  Seven Deadly Sins were of a biblical origin, but that was the extent of it.  I would have been able to list Avarice Greed and Lust,  so I had to do 'the google'.   

At a  conscious level, I was not aware of  any recent thoughts about the subject of lust persay...unless they pertained to wanting to acquire art supplies!  All kidding aside,    I've always been a very  loyal person and to me, lust conjures up infidelity.  It came as no surprise, that when I began to consider THAT, a plethora of painful  emotions leaped to the surface, as I have certainly had  my share of heartbreak from finding out the subject of my love was less than true to me several times.    The silver lining -   I value loyalty, fidelity and trust more than most now.    Such sorrow betrayal evokes. Time has healed.   I've had many years to recover.  ....Tho' this piece reflects that deep part in my heart  that  remains. 

Most often,  I don't have the desire to continually  focus on revisiting deeply disturbing ideas or memories, but when they surface, it is much like setting my soul on fire. Maybe it's a form of self protection that  I do my best to keep it light.  Thoughts?

L U S T - Seven Deadly Sins
Image Credits: 
K. Pertiet - far background
 Clementine Designs -  book, fire and barbwire -  heh, that rhymes! - Pioneer Story at
Holliewood Studios - Stark - for faintly seen cubby holes and perspective room
and bars on holes - Love And War
Bride - RubyBlossom on Flickr
Little Girls - Lisa Altered Art
Figure in forefront - Cemetery Angels - MidnightsTouch- -
Tangie Baxter - Collage Chatter - faint words above book


  1. what a dichotomy to show the two images superimposed-- opposite sides of the coin-- the word 'lust' does have a bad rap.. at the same time does 'lust for chocolate' count?

  2. Just got back from an adventure in the UK and Ireland and trying to get caught up on some of my favorite blog posts. Love the stitched digital image of your last posting and your True to Me image.

    With a title like "Lust" I think you will get a lot of new readers! LOL

  3. Well THIS time you've taken my breath away with your interpretation, Trudi. It's powerful, exquisite and evocative. As for your post, I, too, value the same attributes with the addition of "honesty". Reading your post and studying your brilliant portrayal of "lust" stirred a few memories of a past "love" that I'd thought I'd buried forever. Fortunately, the Fates smiled on me by sending my husband after the fact. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. You have captured the idea beautifully and your blending is exquisite.

  5. Oh wow, Trudi! I saw this piece at DeviantScrap and was so enthralled with its ethereal quality. I came over here to read about it as I wanted to know more. How funny that both of us wrote to the world about very painful things today, past hurts, though very different ones, that we don't like being brought to the surface. Though we go about with things "healed" most of the time, there are triggers that remind us maybe you never heal 100 percent. No doubt, just like all the good experiences in our lives, the cruel ones are a part of our makeup now, a thread in the cloth our lives have woven. But specifically regarding your piece, I think it is a brilliant interpretation to think of how the sin in question hurts the ones not committing it. Such a deep subject and I admire you for tackling it in your work in such a stunning image!

  6. HI Trudi, this piece is so amazing. I have missed visiting your blog and it is over~flowing with so many beautiful things. You really inspire me with your gorgeous art.

  7. Not sure that anything other than 'Wow!' will do really!

  8. Trudi, you portrayed your inner feelings so well here. I think this piece is incredible.
