
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Workshop today plus lengthy musings.....about putting your left brain to bed early

Today I'll be spending the day at our local Bowman Arts Centre creating a doll.  (see below)  I woke up at 5 am to double check what time the workshop started and to then consider  any materials and tools I would need to gather  before I left.  I had  all week to do this, but kept getting distracted by other matters.  Read: procrastinating.

I haven't any knowledge of the artist who is conducting the workshop, other than what I've perused through on her website and I am going alone.  I joined the Textile Surface Design Guild in our community basically so I could take this workshop and keep updated on the workshops and events they plan.  There was a lecture  by the workshop leader on Thursday evening but I wasn't able to attend so I am walking into it essentially ' 'blind' you could say.  And I have to admit, I prefer it that way. When possible, I like to follow my muse and remain unaffected by outside influences for this particular workshop.  I am becoming more and more like this - reclusive you could call it, as the days move forward. 

So, of course, I couldn't find the email that had been sent to me (I have 1000's stored, but never the ONE I need to find) so I googled the artist and found this poster that lead me to the necessary information - time and place, plus a few details on what to bring.  I knew before that most of the materials will be supplied. 

Off and on throughout the past few months I have wondered what type of doll I would end up constructing, what would it look like, how would it become 'my' personal doll, but again, these were fleeting thoughts and no images popped into my mind.  Or so I thought. 

This is where again,  much to my surprise my muse popped by for a visit.  I was busily working on constructing a digital collage for Tumble Fish Studio yesterday and completed one by early evening.  I was content  to finish one image as per my creative team artist requirement.  Content yes, but not what I would say satisfied.  Given the requirement to construct a digital collage using a set group of images, I occasionally feel 'unfulfilled' personally as sometimes my own need for creative expression senses a void.  Don't misinterprete this to mean that I don't care for the images I am working with, quite the opposite is true.  It's more that I feel creatively confined when I am limited to a set group of images.   Last night this 'feeling'  persisted and so I gave myself permission to 'be' without the aforementioned 'parameters' and ended up creating one other digital composition.   It was late and my left brain had already gone to bed.  I am beginning to believe that my muse doesn't appear unless my left brain is missing!   Luckily, that happens quite frequently!!!!!

What surprises me, is now having slept and returned, I see that on 'another level' my creative mind or muse, or subconscious, or whatever you may like to call this process, had in fact been sketching out some imagery reflecting  'me' or my 'personal doll' all along.  At some level, it does appear I was 'preparing' for the workshop today. 

Workshop poster -

Here's the digital composition I created using  several of Tumble Fish Studio's new packs, available at


Image Credits:  Tumble  Fish Studio - Big Whimsy, Twinkle Toes and Angels packs

After my left brain went to bed -

                                             True to Me

Image Credits:  Backgrounds (3) - Alberto Giralt, Outline of ballerina - TumbleFish Studio - Twinkle Toes, Heart - Mercados, out line of drapery - Haute Soiree  - Tangie Baxter

This last image  feels more congruent to being a reflection of 'me' mostly because it speaks of my own voice. Even though it is made up of different images from other artists, it is composed in a way that brings forward its 'own life'.  I think, at least.  What do you think?  Does your artwork reflect you?

  I look forward to today's workshop and wonder how easy it will be for me to find my creative  voice and express it visually in the form of a doll.


  1. have fun in your workshop and yes the second one is my fav too!

  2. This looks like the type of workshop where creativity reigns and the possibilities are endless-- I am sure you will soon be posting a wonderful creation.

  3. I will be curious to see your personal journey doll, if you plan of sharing a picture of it.
    Honestly, looking at the first digital picture which is fun and "orderly", strange word and probably not quite the one I want there isn't any comparison between that one and the one when you let your right brain out to create.
    There is an emotional quality to that one that seems to have layers and one wants to just study the picture and absorb it.
    Both have their place but you know I almost always end up LOVING and commenting on those right brain pieces that come out. :)Bea

  4. Oh, I love True to Me, I have had to look at it again and again... I have a workshop today as well, and could not sleep at all last night. It's on book making.
    I can hardly wait to see what your doll is like! roxanne

  5. Hi Trudi! Well, I know exactly what you mean. I, too, have felt tortured and confined lately with "have to's". I feel my soul longing to be free in what flows out instead of putting a cork in it until the right thing pops up to the surface. It's hard to be picky and particular with one's artistic voice - "having to" stifles the flow, they rhythm, the intuition and there is no arguing with that.

    But, I have found a surprising balance can be accomplished. Not that I've been at all balanced lately. But I've found that after I finish what I feel is a "have to" obligatory piece, there is a bit deeper reservoir to dip from. The intuition, having seemingly dug it's heels in, gets stronger. When I finally get to work freely, I think my work is better, more free, more intuitive than it might have been without the "have to's". I used to say that it was kind of nice to wear a pair of shoes all day that pinched just enough that you could wear them all day but felt so good to take off in the evening. That relief, that stretching of toes, that solid feel of walking barefoot feels so much better after wearing a tight pair of shoes all day.

    Well, can't wait to see your doll! (And, as your "boss" - you can take some more time for you and your own work - you are my top producer and while I can never have enough of your work with my images, I don't want to have you stifled - you work hard enough, you deserve some slow down on the CT! Really, your output has been incredible and amazing!)

  6. Oh I did GET this! Thought provoking, very very thought provoking. I love Tumblefish Studios designs. That being said, I love all of your art with those designs, but I understand the constrictions placed. The second one, definitely my favorite. Hands down. - Cheers, Kathy
