
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

New Tumblefish "Take" on an old Sunday Postcard entry and The Codtail Dress

I stumbled across an older digital postcard I had created for a Sunday Postcard challenge a couple of weeks ago and decided to add a few additional images from one of Marsha's kits  from Tumblefish Studio    Here's the updated version that has the 'divers' as well as the SunnySide and Sparkling images... more fun!

And the above digital collage was a fashion update exclusive featuring Fish as the 'new black' - I obviously had fish on my mind quite a bit when I created these two - now how could that be????   :0)

The second collage is made up of elements from Tumble Fish Studio as well and  plus the chest and the dress form come from The Thing Finder by HolliewoodStudios, both at


  1. Made me laugh out loud! :)Bea

  2. In your honour and in honour of all the Illustrators and Painters, I published
    an illustration.

  3. LOVE it! I finally tried the digital images from Deviant scrap and I'm addicted!

  4. Love the shoes in fish is the new black! Both are wonderful!
