
Saturday, March 27, 2010

What isn't the turpentine paper...

My turpentine paper was a disaster.  After about five hours of nursing it along and checking it every so often, I gave up.  Two possible mistakes - not enough turpentine or the wrong 'type' of turpentine.  I used "gum spirits" which I thought would be more than potent enough.  Enough ended up being toxic fumes and I'm going to shop around for the Citra-solve.  I'll also follow different instructions, seems to make the most sense to!

In between times, I decided to snap a few shots of one of my favorite collections, various 'sculptures' of women I've gathered over the past 6-7 years.   I was dusting in and around them this afternoon, as my optimism for my project slowly  dissolved.  Luckily, the 'girls' cheered me up so much so that I decided to share them with you.  Some of them are just bargains I found along the way, one is from a trip to Europe, another a gift. 


  1. Thanks for sharing, they are beautiful.

  2. Lovely photos.
    sorry you had trouble with the turp paper. Did you use the clay based older NG pages? Did you keep the pages wet the entire time 4-5 hours or so? I put the pages in a plastic bag after they are processed and dry and then after a few weeks they no longer smell of turpentine. Citra Solv would smell better though. I'm using that next. LOL

  3. So sorry to hear that your turp paper was a disappointment, Trudi. But your ladies are lovely! Thanks of sharing them. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Hi Trudi, I had problems finding Citra Solve in Canada, but even our little backwoods grocery store had this item which works: Nature's Ultimate. You want to make sure that it is a concentrated cleaner for it to work on the pages.
    Hope that helps.

  5. Love the photo shots, sorry the paper didn't work out. :)Bea
