
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dream Scapes - MeTa AnALySiS

 "MeTaAnALySiS"  - Digital Collage 8x8 inches

This one has been percolating for weeks - it is a series of different collage elements I've worked with both in paper and digitally over the past two years.   I think it will be one I will look back on and derive meaning from.  For now, it's a mystery.


  1. For now I am only going to say that this one is deeply personal and very different indeed from your normal digital collage.

    Also the colour palette is a shift from the blue/green to warmer richer tones.

    There are elements that draw me into it and from which I derive different meanings.

    Thank you for sharing,

  2. This one is delicious! I love the colours in the top right corner and also the orb with the images at the bottom. I admired this feature in one of your earlier collages and wondered how you had accomplished it... Fabulous stuff, Trudi.

  3. There is much here to ponder and think about-- rich symbols and imagery.

  4. Certainly lots to look at and think about. :)Bea

  5. I respond to this one immediately in a very warm way - I'm drawn right into the imagery and the rich colors.

  6. This is very beautiful already - will be interested to see at it evolves...

  7. I like the mystery here!

  8. Truly a stunning creation!!!
