
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Passion for Passion

Red Passion Flower Bud
I'll not forget the first time I stumbled upon these flowers - it was during a game of golf and if I could have, I would have stop playing and stayed with the vine for the remainder of the day. After that day, my favorite hole on the golf course was where this flower was located. Those of you familiar with the Passion Flower will know its symbolism in a Christian context. My attraction is to their delicate stigmata, ambitious tendrils and thick anthers. In other words, I love them for their beauty alone. I have had good success with the common blue variety of this species with 100' or more flowers over the course of the summer. However, this red petaled, Passiflora decaisneana, has proven to be a challenge. The bud I've photographed above has been just that for almost 2 weeks. Time is running out weather-wise, and although I am planning to see if I can winter it inside this year, I'm not holding my breath. Here's two photos from last year's 'crop' - the play of the shadows make my knees weak.
If you have any tips on wintering this vine inside, I'd love to hear them.


  1. GORGEOUS, thank you for sharing those. You know when I saw the picture icon pop up on my blog for your blog I thought the red bud was fabric. I thought, what a gorgeous piece of fabric she has on her blog. lol :)Bea

  2. Can't help you with the wintering thing-- but what an incredible flower and you are right--- the shadows are dancing.

  3. These photos are fabulous! The clarity on the last one with the blurred background is beautiful.
