
Monday, August 31, 2009

Mail! From Marion's ZETTI ATC Annual Exchange

OK - L U C K Y ME! Marion's swaps are top notch! Just look!
Above are the 3 stellar ATC's that arrived from Marion last week. Below are links to more of their artwork:
1. Marsha -check out her other impeccably designed and finished work at Tumblefish Studios
2. Johanna - hidden talent via her blog Mixed Media Fun
3. Ute - another beautiful fabric card (the textures of which don't show well in the photo) See her other work here at her blog, Stempella.


  1. Hmmm, Trudi - Johanna HAS a well-known blog; it´s here:

  2. I can hardly wait to participate next year. These are awesome!

  3. Trudi you lucky girl, these are awesome atc's. I love them all, such treasure's. Enjoy, what a fun swap.
    Marsha atc is just so darling !!
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Laura.
    I loved the atc's, I received too.
