
Monday, August 03, 2009

DisCO Digi - The Altered Page (Seth) Collaborative Winter Project

Although I do have plans to take the remnants of my disintegrated pieces of fiber, board, tissue, screen, string and twig and create a book - it'll be a long-time-coming with so many other projects ahead of it. Here are the ingredients I have to work with.
So, in the interim, I created a Digi-DisCo from the photograph of my remnants along with a transparency of "Eleanor" over top. It may eventually be the cover (in some form) of the handmade book.
If you'd like to leave a comment, I'll draw a name at the end of August and send out a postcard version to you. In the meantime, check out the other funky DisCo's at The Altered Page.
And THANKS Seth - this project was a lovely diversion when the weather bottomed out several times last winter!


  1. Oh this is going to be an awesome project! I can't wait to see what you do!

  2. Wow, I love what you have done digitally. Very cool.

  3. Love what you have done with it!

  4. Trudi, this is just yummy. The cover is magnifique!!
