
Thursday, August 06, 2009

~Book of Days~ ... Hanging to Dry.... Free Backgrounds

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This morning I decided to prepare some of my favorite new paper. This was just a simple exercise of loosely applying water, watercolor and alcohol inks wet on wet. It is roughly 6 x 40 and is the beginning stages of pages that will either be sewn into my DisCo book or I may use as the beginning of an accordian style journal. The paper is Arches Text Wove - this paper is magical! It is 100% cotton and virtually indestructable. In fact, I plan to put it in the washing machine as a test! Below the full sized paper is two close ups. Feel free to print them as backgrounds for your own work. NB - I digitally extracted the background of the vertical image so as to not distract from the page I'm preparing.


  1. These are very cool!! Thanks

  2. I'll have to look for that paper. I love the close up picture of the texture of the paper with the ink/watercolor on it.

  3. Love the colors. In fact I was thinking of using that blue on my rusted fabric. Maybe I could combine fabric and this kind of paper together in a project?
