
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Starting my 4th Envelope - Byron's Magical Mystery Tour

Today I decided to get a head start on my next round robin envelope and thought I'd do a photo journal of my work as it progresses.
I had asked Valerie if she had any color preferences and she provided a list which included Alcohol Inks in Denim, Eggplant, Espresso and Pesto. When she said that, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to create her envelope using alcohol inks. Her theme is art as well as cultural influences surrounding art.
Step One

Above is where the fun began! I was amazed at how many variations of color came out of the four inks I mentioned above. Feel free to press this image to enlarge it and save it for your use as a background. From this first piece, I then cropped out the first side of the envelope to size (1st photo in 3 below). I decided it would be fun to create a transparency with a peacock feather after which I added the antique gold metal "MORPH" letters (below image). I thought it would be a creative way to protect the inked front cover because of the white it serves two purposes. The third image above shows the two layers one on top of the other.

Step Two - Making the Transparency with a Peacock Feather

In the meantime, while I am figuring out what my 'next move' will be with the envelope, I made a copy onto a bright white gloss laser paper of the original large image of alcohol inks, cropped it and then heat emboss ART and The Isles and then attached it to a cardboard rectangle ephemera bit to make a tag. I cut the alcohol ink layer on the left hand side to create a partial silouette of Byron.

Step Three - Tag

It's a start! Not sure where I'll take it from here.....

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