
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I promised I would add photos of 'the time the Blue Morphos" landed on my head. As I've 'gone on about' before, I don't like being photographed and avoid the camera at all costs. But, this WAS a big event in my life and it, plus other very synchronistic events happened at around the same time, were catalysts for me making a decision to sell my home and move to where I am now. So here they are. Two things that could have made these photos even better were,
1) when the Morphos wings are 'up' they don't reveal her magnificent blue top sides and
2)if I was having a better hair day... but that's not one of my strengths! :0)


  1. Oh now I get to see what you look like! ... always a pleasure. This is amazing! That butterfly is huge and oh so beautiful. So glad that you captured this happening on camera...thanks so much for posting.

  2. It is a pleasure to be finally meeting you Trudi.

    When I was a child and teenager, I was a serious collector of insects and I still have my four display cases of specimens. However these days I would rather watch a butterfly roam free and two years ago I raised a few in the hope to increase their numbers, as so many are in a decline.

    Thank you for sharing
