
Friday, July 13, 2007

Altered Book for Debbie M. - AAO - French

"Andy and Amelie" Altered Book Pages
The above two pages are for Debbie M's altered French book via the Altered Art Obsession group Altered Book Round Robin. It leaves here on Monday to Lia Kent. The pages are centered around Andy Warhol and the French movie Amelie. If you look very closely you can see the Garden Gnome standing in front of the Eiffel Tower! Andy Warhol is represented by transparency photo booth photographs mirroring the romance Amelie has in the movie with the pornography store clerk who collects forgotten photo booth images. The original page subject is INLAND TRAVELLING, therefore I've used Parisienne postcards as well as a little touch of French lace, a fleur de lie, the Eiffel Tower and a vintage French postage stampas addressed to Belgium. C'est la vie!


  1. These pages are fabulous! I like the colors!

  2. Gorgeous, I love this spread.

  3. Hi Hermine! Thanks so much! I love the movie Amelie - in fact, it's in my top 5 favorites of all times!!

  4. another gorgeous book. You do great work
