
Friday, September 30, 2011

Wait :0) There's More! 30 to be exact! Butterfly Update #29

This morning has become my "Catch Up to The Butterflies" day with 30  more NEW Carstairs Elementary School Butterflies to share with you, bringing us now to a total of 86 posted  from the students and 41 awaiting photographing!!  Time to change the camera batteries and turn the calendar month over tonight!  Once I finish these, I'll be sending off a copy of the photographed butterflies to the school as a reminder of their significant contribution to our project. 

Butterfly Update #28

Thanks again to the students at Carstairs Elementary in Carstairs, Alberta for contributing so many butterflies to our project. If any of the students happen by this post and can't yet see their butterfly,   there are  LOTS more to follow soon so keep checking back!

Here are the latest sixteen - 

And the first 56 Carstairs Elementary School butterflies together -

AND - 284 all at a glance (click any photo for a larger view)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"The RorschTach"

Last week Seth from The Altered Page invited readers to partake in a collaborative event after he was inspired by Heather Campbell (Blissful Things)   who commented on  one of his 'paper stacks' and suggested we all take photos of our 'stacks'.  Great idea Heather and thanks for responding and inviting us Seth! 

I grabbed my camera yesterday and chose a favorite group of altered books I have on display in my studio and snapped a few shots.  In the process, I was considering why so many of us have this passion for these 'altered pages' while other peeps may look at our collections with expressionless faces, some I'm sure masked to hide their true reaction, (eg) WTF?

What is it they "don't get" or what is it we DO get? 

What do we see that compells us to cherish these pages and stacks?  

The "RorSCHTach" - Do You See What I See?
Studio Photograph - Altered Books and Journals - TwoDressesStudio 2011

Thanks for visiting and there's still plenty of time to  enter this week's draw for a free postcard - I's not a 'big' prize, but who doesn't like getting mail art? :o) Enter here

Thursday, September 08, 2011

What if ?

 The other day, my muse asked me in her always unpredictable way  ....What if?  What if birds wanted to explore alternative methods of rollerskating, wheels, or rockers....?  Maybe they get tired of flying....what if?  Here's how I chose to answer...

 "What If"  8 x 10 inch digital illustration/print
Copyright 2011 TwoDressesStudio
All Rights Reserved
Image Credits:  Tumble Fish Studio, Holliewood Studios (rockers), Tangie Baxter (roller skate)

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Monkey Mind Part Two

Owing to on-going encouragement from a very good artist friend, Michele Jackson I decided to take my previously blogged about digital collage here into the 'dimensional realm.'

On Monday evening I ink-jet printed it onto cloth and the following photographs capture the various 'surface elements' I added.  There are layers and layers of old doilies, many hand dyed by  Lorraine Stobie, 

vintage tatting from Marsha Jorgensen

laces  from Hermine Koster 

and Viola Ertmann

and other bits and pieces of textiles and vintage doilies I've collected at flea markets and antique sales over the past several years, some tea dyed while others, just as I found them.

Thank you to all of my on-line art friends I've mentioned above,  for reminding me again of your generousities!

"Letting Go of My Monkey Mind and Finding That Happy Place" - 6 x6 Mixed Media Collage
Copyrigh 2011 TwoDressesStudio
All Rights Reserved