Do you ever have the concern that your computer might crash and you might lose all of your beloved photographs? Or, worse, as was the case with me about 2 years ago,
it gets stolen?
I lost some documentation and photos that were very dear to me. So, over the past couple of months, apart from backing up my work to a seperate drive, I have also catologued all of the ATC's I have made and traded since 2007 - I am up to 110 and still searching my databases for others I know exist. Although this may sound like a rather tedious task, it is interesting to consider how your art has evolved over time.
If you haven't backed up your work or made a CD, perhaps it is something you may want to consider scheduling...soon!
Always a good idea to back up. In the beginning way back in 2003 I don't think I bothered to take any pictures of my ATCs. I was just so excited to be making them and trading them. As I learned more techniques and applied them to my cards and then to books, etc. I did take pictures. Really fun to go back and look at them.
This is a great idea T! I browsed a bit - so much variety.
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