
Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Looking Glass Self and The Golden Mean

The digital image “Looking Glass Self” was specifically created after Seth of emailed me to contribute a piece to a series he was creating entitled Playing Favorites.” It is intended to reflect my on-going passion to express myself creatively. It is, if you will, an ‘inner self portrait” encompassing the concepts of The Golden Mean (both philosophically and mathematically). The Looking Glass Self (Charles Horton Cooley), from different periods of my life. In it I am observing both my present moment reality and my childhood innocence of the past. The child embraces art with uncensored passion and unconditional approval for its beauty. The image of the woman looking at the image of herself in the mirror, pointsto the same child-like adoration but is aware of the many social filters and judgements and how they color her purest imaginings and essence. Within the image, you will see the two sets of numbers, 2, which represents my desire for a simple unadorned life as an artist along with the Golden Mean equation of 1.6180339887 – a symbol I’ve tied to reflect the journey toward my desired life. They are often hidden within my art. Below are the definitions of "The Looking Glass Self" and "The Golden Mean"

THE GOLDEN MEAN - Philosopy (compliments of Wikepedia)

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

The Greeks believed there to be three concomitants of beauty: symmetry, proportion, and harmony. This triad of principles infused their life. They were very much attuned to beauty as an object of love and something that was to be imitated and reproduced in their lives, architecture, Paideia and politics. They judged life by this mentality.

The LOOKING GLASS SELF - from Wikepedia
Created by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 (McIntyre 2006), the looking-glass self[1] is a sociological concept that has three major components and is unique to humans (Shaffer 2005). According to Lisa McIntyre’s The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology, in the looking-glass self a person views himself or herself through others' perceptions in society and in turn gains identity. Identity, or self, is the result of the concept in which we learn to see ourselves as others do (Yeung & Martin 2003). The looking-glass self begins at an early age and continues throughout the entirety of a person’s life as one will never stop modifying their self unless all social interactions are ceased. Some sociologists believe that the concept wanes over time because only a few studies have been conducted with a large number of subjects in natural settings.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Macro “Takes my breath away “ Iris uncut

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This an altered photo I created of the flowers I bought to put on our dinner table this week. I love the brilliance of the cobalt blue glass combined with the variety of tulip colors. That, combined with the sun now shining brightly every morning into the kitchen renews my spirit after many monochromatic winter days. Enjoy and Happy Easter to you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Recollection Parlor – Postcard Challenge

The group of artists at the parlor are almost set to begin a postcard challenge.

This is the digital postcard I created for the challenge, although not the card I’ll be sending on.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday in the Sun

Friday, March 07, 2008

this week my passion did a somersault as spring has me thinking brilliant colors and my current muse has me sewing !!!!

it all started one day when I stopped in at a fabric store….kid in a candy shop…

above - a 16x16 inch ‘hourglass’ pillow with a shaggy tassel for funky fun.

Can you find the hidden sunflower button?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Seven What If's

I have been tagged by Debby Harriettha

Seven "What Ifs" I Bet You Did Not Know

1. What if I could meet anyone in the world to chat with:

The Dali Lama

2. What if I could travel anywhere in the world: Camp Leakey, Borneo 3. What if I could have one wish granted to benefit all of mankind: Every man, woman and child received a post secondary education.

4. What if I could live in a period other than the present for just 24 hours:


5. What if I had to become an animal for 24 hours:

An ape

6. What if I could make-over three areas of my body: My hands so I didn't have any pain, my eyes so I had perfect vision, my lungs so I could repair the damage I caused them from smoking. 7. What if I could bring anyone back to life for 24 hours: My Mom

NOW.....Anyone who is reading this IT!!!! :0)